Make Healthier Lunches with Veggie Fries

School lunches are big in our home. As I look back, I can’t believe I actually prepared packed lunch for the kids every day (school days) for at least eight years now. That’s way before we  found out about they have allergies. Why do I do it? The answers are simple – I want to know what my kids are eating, if they making healthier choices and if they are indeed eating.


If you have been following my #lunchboxideas on Instagram, you may have noticed that the recently the brand Veggie Fries have been a constant show up in the kids’ lunch box.


Why is that? Well, I have 5 reasons.

1. The kids love them.

        Veggie Fries are really delicious. In fact, my children can’t get enough of it. According to them, they like it because the outside is crunchy (and stays crunchy until lunch time) and the inside is still tender. It’s not salty or spicy. Plus it’s not oily. No sticky or greasy hands.

2. Veggie Fries are Allergy Friendly.

       Child#3 and Child#2 are highly allergic to soy. For years, we’ve been searching for frozen Fries that do not contain any soybean oil. That’s why I’m so excited when I found Veggie Fries. Not only is it soy free, it is also free of allergens such as wheat/gluten, dairy, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish. (Yup, both children are allergic to those). Plus, it is certified non-GMO.

       To those who are concerned about the manufacturing facilities, Veggie Fries has a disclosure. “Good manufacturing practices used to segregate ingredients in the factory that also processes wheat, eggs, soy and dairy.”  In our case, the kids didn’t have any issues consuming the product.

3. It’s healthier because it is not all potatoes.

       Unlike regular French Fries, Veggies Fries as the name says contains at least 27% of non potato vegetables such as carrots, beans, broccoli, kale, chickpeas or red peppers. In fact a serving of VF equals 2 vegetable servings.

        So far, we’ve tried the Carrot and Broccoli varieties. Both were a big hit with all 4 kids even to the one who’s carrot hater and the one who’s broccoli hater.

4. Easy to prepare.

        Mornings are always busy for me because I have to prepare hot breakfast and lunch for the whole family. That’s why I need something fast and doesn’t require much attention. Preparing Veggies Fries are so easy. The oven does all the cooking and it’s ready in 16-20 minutes. Clean up is easy too because I line the pan with foil or parchment paper.

5. Affordable.

         While a bag of Veggie Fries may sound a bit pricey, ($3.29 in my local food store) I’d say it is actually affordable. Remember, a serving of Veggie Fries is equal to 2 vegetable servings. So, in reality, it is like preparing 2 or 3 different types of vegetables.

       The best part is that, children actually eat and enjoy their veggies. No leftovers means nothing thrown away.

          Oh, and if you go to their website, you can even get a $1 off coupon.


Since I truly believe that you and your child will enjoy Veggie Fries, I’m very excited to share with you this amazing giveaway for a $50 Veggie Fries Sampler Pack.

Just do the steps below to get free entries. This giveaway starts today May 19, 2016 and will end on May 31, 2016 11:59 EST.  Open to all US Residents.

Good luck!

Rozelyn signature TFM

(Note: I received free products in exchange for an honest review. See my full disclosure here.)

veggie fries

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I cannot wait to try the Chickpea & Red Pepper! It sounds like a great combination, and it happens to be one of my favorite combos.

  2. I would like to try all of them, but if I had to pick i’d say chickpeas and red peppers, two of my favorite things.

  3. I am so glad you first posted about these a few months ago. My 3 year old loves them. Besides allergies he has sensory processing disorder and is picky. I have a hard time getting anything healthy into him. He loves fries so he’ll gobble these up.

  4. I would love to try the carrots & potatoes one! I think that would be the favorite because they love carrots!

  5. I would really like to try the broccoli and potato flavor. These are new to me and I can’t wait to give them a try.

  6. The kale/beans/potato flavor looks good. In fact, they all look good, and they seem like they might be a way to get vegetables other than french fries and tomato catsup into my super picky eater.

    1. I haven’t tried the Kale yet because I can’t find them in my local stores. But I agree with you, Veggie Fries is a fun and sneaky way of letting kids eat more vegetables. I think you’re picky eater will never know the difference. Keep me posted okay and good luck!

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