Life’s Precious Moments

Last week’s series of events reminded me how precious life truly is. From the boy who fell in a frozen pond to the teen who was struck by a train to Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash, we never really know when our time is up.

This guest post by Jackie Rod, the author of the book Georgia Stories on my Mind encourages us to look beyond the unfavorable and try to focus on the good things the specific moment can bring. After all, NOW is the only thing we have.


Precious Moments by Jackie Rod

Life affirming events are precious moments. They tenderly fill our souls with hope for the future.

Most people remember these vibrant occurrences in an endearing way by overlooking anything negative associated with them. The first time a mother joyfully holds her tiny newborn baby, she forgets about the morning sickness, months of discomfort and labor pains.

All the work and energy spent decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking and cleaning during the holidays is not what we think about when we observe children gleefully enjoying the festivities.

We swell with pride for those we have coached and nurtured when they walk across the stage to receive that college diploma. The sacrifices and the financial burden of student loans are pushed out of our minds for a precious moment.

As a couple at the altar look adoringly at each other during their wedding vows, all fears over their future disappear. That precious moment rules.

Remember that feeling of contentment when you achieve the American dream of purchasing a nice home where your family will flourish for the years to come. Perhaps these walls will hear plenty of drama later, but for this precious moment it is a dream come true.

No one can repress the exciting rush that comes from accepting a big award or job promotion after years of hard work. A moment of pride is well deserved.

As we age, the years seem to fly by so the milestones of our family and friends become more significant to us. We realize that time is limited and priceless.

Sometimes we get an unexpected call from a long, lost friend whose first words are “you are on my mind”. That one statement can melt your heart.

When we retire all the stress, the past fades as we achieve new goals, travel to breathtaking places and make interesting new friends.

We tend to associate a memorial or funeral with sad emotions, but the celebration of a loved one’s life can be uplifting and healing.

Precious moments are loving recollections when we focus on the positive aspects of life.

Here’s to wishing you many precious moments.


  1. Rochie, thank you for inviting me to post on your blog. I loved the picture with your introduction–youngsters holding hands, sweet moments indeed. We need to live each day as if it was our last and treasure every precious moment.

    1. Thank you for the beautiful article Jackie. It was one of my favorite pictures of Child1 and Child4. Those two always seem to have the talent to annoy each other. I was so surprised to see them talking and actually enjoying each other’s company. So blessed to have captured that moment.

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