Fun Travel Tips for Family Fitness

        I just booked our yearly mini vacation at Wildwood today.  As I was scanning the different hotel websites, I can’t help but notice how many are now offering free use of exercise rooms as part of their amenities.  Who on earth goes to the gym during vacations?  

       Then it hit me.  Many (including me) are making a big effort to be fit and healthy the whole year. After so much hard work, discipline and happy dances, isn’t it so disappointing to gain back all the pounds lost (and add more) in just few days?  I know what you’ll say, “but it’s VACATION!”  

      Is there a way to find a balance between fitness and vacation?  Thanks to my new mom friend  Kendra Thornton, I was able to learn practical and budget friendly ways to stay fit and have fun at the same time.   Check out the tips she shared below.  I’m sure the number of excuses we (I) have will be equal to zero.  

        Happy Monday!
– Roz

Fitness Motivation - Fitness Inspiration - Get Fit - Health and Fitness - Blue Sign - Exercise - Dazzling Blue - Word of the Year Resolution
Photo courtesy of ThreeLittleBirds333

       Family fitness is important to
me. At home, the kids participate in sports, and we all exercise regularly. Vacation time presents challenges because our routine is different, but
we can have plenty of fun together while still staying fit and active. Here are
a few tips that you might like to incorporate on your next family vacation:


1. Use Hotel Amenities

More and more travelers are
requiring fitness amenities, and many hotels have complied. I always try to
book a hotel with a well-equipped gym and actually did so for our upcoming trip
to Orlando. With so many hotels
in Orlando
, sites like Gogobot can be a huge resource. My kids like to
spend time splashing in the hotel pool, so I check for a well-maintained pool
as well. Amenities such as fitness classes or in-room fitness videos are an
added bonus. To avoid high-calorie dangers, I also make a point of refusing the
key to the minibar at my hotel.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential for overall
health and fitness. My family never goes anywhere without water bottles. Each
family member has their own. If our vacation activities involve spending time
in the hot sun, I often chill the full bottles in the freezer before we head
out on out adventure. Drinking
enough water
can actually help you avoid heat-related issues such as heat

3. Pick Your Restaurants

Do some research concerning local
restaurants before you go on vacation. Try to choose places that serve food
made from fresh, locally produced ingredients. Restaurants that include
vegetarian options on the menu are usually good choices. At a restaurant, make
healthy decisions
by choosing fresh fruit or salads instead of greasy,
fried options as sides. Cut calories by ordering entrées without sauces or

4. Get Active

Vacationers can always find
active things to do together. Play games in a local park to get your blood
pumping. Enjoy a round of horseshoes or shuffleboard together. On the beach,
enjoy a game of volleyball or play catch with a football. Bring along some Nerf
items to add to the active fun.

        There are dozens of ways to help
your family enjoy a fun, fit vacation together. When you take the time to
incorporate healthy habits into vacation time, you’ll enjoy yourself even more.
Additionally, these healthy habits will make it easier to fall back into your
normal routine once you return home.



      Kendra Thornton is a mother of three.  Before being promoted to the position as full time mom, she was the Director for Communications at Orbitz.  She and her family now lives in Chicago.  According to her, family is my number one priority in everyday life.  

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