Are You Choosing the Better Green Tea?

    For centuries, green tea has been considered as one of the healthiest drinks in the world.  It has been used in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Indian medicine since ancient times.  Though tea in general, is the most consumed beverage in the world next to water, it only became popular here in the United States recently. 

    Growing up in an Asian household, I have to say, I became very familiar with tea at young age. I can’t even remember my first sip of tea. All I know is that, it is healthy and there’s a specific tea for a particular occasion or symptom. 
    Though I’ve had countless teas as a child, it was only after college that I got the chance to enjoy Matcha. Unlike today, pure Matcha tea before is not readily available. It was reserved for special events only.  On top of that, high quality Matcha tends to be pricey or should I say really pricey.

     For those of you who are not familiar, Matcha is a fine green tea powder used for drinking or cooking. It is different from loose leaf teas because the whole tea leaf is consumed instead of just infusion. (from Midori Spings website) 
   Since Matcha is made from un-oxidized leaves and is less processed, it contains the most antioxidants and health properties compared to most teas we drink today. Specifically, Matcha’s benefits include: 
  • Natural energy booster without the crash we get the caffeine in coffee.
  • It reduces stress and improve mental alertness.
  • It improves metabolism and helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar and even weight loss.
  • It helps boost the immune system and reduce inflammation/
  • It helps the body cleanse of harmful toxins. A natural and powerful detox machine. 

     What makes Midori Spring Organic Matcha? Well, not all teas are created equal. Not only is it made from the finest young tea leaves, it is also certified organic and kosher. It is also vegan friendly and does not contain any additives such as gluten, dairy, soy or nuts. (Take note: Though they don’t have those allergens in their product and facility, they still can’t label it as allergen free. They are not yet certified in those categories.)   That’s why when I was asked to try it, I didn’t think twice.

     One of the first things I noticed when I opened my can of Midori Spring Matcha is the creamy and almost sweet aroma.  I can compare it to the smell of a really good green tea ice cream. Take note, there’s no sugar or any cream added in each can. It is just pure Matcha.  
    When I prepared my cup of Matcha, I’m very happy to see a vibrant fresh green color. What a big difference from the diluted or almost yellowish green hue found in most green teas! 
    As for the taste, Midori Spring Matcha is not bitter at all. Just like what it smelled, it has a creamy and sweet after taste. It is refreshing and relaxing at the same time. Plus it is loaded with more of the health benefiting properties found in regular green teas. 
     Who says you have to sacrifice taste to be healthy? Give Midori Spring Organic Matcha a try and see for yourself why I’m so excited about it. Oh,  and a little goes a long way. They even have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. That means if you are not completely satisfied, they will gladly give you a refund or exchange.  Isn’t that a sweet deal?


(Note:  I received a free product to review for this post. This however doesn’t affect my experience and opinions about the product. Always remember that You, my readers comes first to me. I wouldn’t write something that I think will not benefit you. Also, this post contains affiliate links. You can read my full disclosure here. Thank you so much for your support.)


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