3 Reasons Why Moms Should Be Happy

As moms, especially of children with special needs or medical conditions, (in my case, multiple food allergies, asthma and eczema), we often tend to put ourselves at the bottom of our priority list.

I remembered an incident when my mom and I were in a mall. An item caught my eye and I stopped to check it out. I must have stood there for over 30 minutes (She is a very patient woman especially if she is shopping.) when I heard my mom say “Buy it. If it makes you happy, enjoy your money now. Once you have a child, you won’t be able to do so.”

I never really understood what she meant until I had my own children. That’s when I experienced to put my own needs and wants aside so that I can give more to my kids. If I felt guilty of spending something for me before, well guess what? it double or even tripled now. And I am not just talking about the financial aspect, it also applied to my personal time.

Looking back, I realized there were so many instances where I find myself neglecting my own goals, wants and even health just to give extra to others. Just like a knife that gets dull, I became stressed out, unproductive. pessimistic and downright sensitive.

Then it hit me. How can I give what I do not have? How can I make my family happy if I’m not happy?

Now, I’m not saying that we burn the family’s savings and go on vacation spree in Europe, Asia or Australia. (I can’t even imagine the guilt after that vacation is over!)

We can start small. Block an hour or two, a week and do something that makes you smile, relaxed or simply happy.

  • Do you have a book that you’ve longed to read? Then use this time to read it.
  • Do you want to learn a new skill? Take some classes. There are plenty of really affordable courses that you can take online.
  • Been eyeing that pretty shirt or accessory? Save some money and buy it. It doesn’t have to be expensive.
  • Longing to go back to the gym and lose those unwanted pounds. Go for it!

In my case, I’ve always wanted to play badminton. After years of excuses, I finally joined a club November last year along with some friends. We play every Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 pm to 11 pm. Sounds too late? Well, I have to fit it in. Not only was it my “me time”, it became my weekly exercise and stress reliever as well.

If you also have a tendency to put your own happiness aside just like me, here are 3 Reasons WHY we should prioritize being happy.

1. It makes us better individuals.

     When we’re not loaded with worries, our minds function better too. We can focus on a task and finish it faster.  The more calm and sharp we are, every thing seems to flow more smoothly. We are less likely to be aggravated which is essential when we’re dealing with our kids (and other grown ups as well).

2. Role Models to our Children.

       Whether we like it or not, our children learn from our actions. If they see that we are so stressed, they absorb it. If they see that we are unhappy, they tend to blame themselves for it.

        If they see that mom is happy with what she does, accomplishes the goals she works hard on and takes pride in it, they feel that they are part of the achievement as well.

3. We become healthier when we’re happy.

        Anxiety and loneliness are known to have lasting negative effect on the body. Even with good diet and exercise, one can still get sick because of emotional stress.

        Also, our diet suffers when we’re sad. Most people (including me) tend to use food as a coping mechanism. The worse part is that we are drawn to junk food which eventually contributes to unwanted weight gain. (Double ouch!)

Even though I know the importance of being happy to my overall well being, I confess I always tend to forget. That’s why I got this Be Happy shirt to remind me to always put my own happiness first. It’s part of the Be Series Graphic Tees of Cents of Style (a brand the provide quality clothing at very affordable prices).

Coincidentally, these BE Series Tees are on sale today and tomorrow only for just $15.95+ FREE Shipping. Just use the coupon code BESTORY. Just click the photo below to see what sayings are included in the series.


I love wearing it during my badminton games with my favorite printed skort. Not only is it comfy, it also reminds me that I should BE Happy doing something I enjoy. Because when I’m happy, I can raise happy kids too.


(Note: This post contains affiliate links. See my full disclosure here.)




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