Goodbye 2013…Hello 2014

       As the other parts of the world are celebrating the arrival of 2014 and as we count the last few hours of 2013 here in the US,  I would like to share some thoughts that are bouncing inside head.
        * What did I learn in 2013?
        *  Don’t like it, I’ll change it. 
        * Time is limited and shouldn’t be wasted on something that doesn’t matter.
        * Set a goal and work on it.  Nobody else will do it for me. 
        * It’s okay to say NO and Let go. 
        * Be kind to Me. 
        * Live each day like it’s my last one.
        And the most important of all.  When everything seems to go no where….
photo credit from Facebook 

       Wishing all of us a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!  
        Do you have a special thought you’d like to share? Love to hear it.  
– Roz

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