Did you know? Humfree the Bee has a Food Allergy!

When my children were properly diagnosed with food allergies, they were 1, 3, 5 and 7 years of age. At that time, one of the biggest challenges I faced, aside from changing the family’s diet, is trying to explain what food allergies are to these young kids.

After spending countless hours in the library and state library catalog for allergy related books in their level, I accepted defeat. I had no choice but to explain their situation in my own words. “Certain foods make them sick because their bodies can’t recognize it as food. By not consuming food that they are allergic to, they will feel better and be healthier.”  That’s it!

A lot a changed since my children’s diagnosis. Over the past 3 years for instance, more and more books about food allergies has been published.

Say hello to Humfree the Bee

This children’s book written by Alison Grace Johansen better known as MotherNova, a journalist-mama of a child with food allergies is something I definitely found handy when explaining what food allergies are to young kids.

With beautifully illustrated characters, this book will bring you and your child to Humfree the Bee’s somewhat normal life. Not only does it teaches the basics of food allergies, it also shows the value of acceptance, friendship and compassion.

My boys who are now 6 and 8 years old, enjoy the bright colors in each page. They like the “weirdness” that the story has. Just like most books in their reading level, Humfree makes them smile.  A good book to have because children with or without food allergies can easily relate to any of the characters in the story. Even my 10 and 12 year old daughters found it interesting.



The Giveaway has ended!

Well, here’s the good news, our friend Alison is happy to sponsor a free book to two(2) lucky US based TFM friends. Yup! We’re giving away to Humfree the Bee hardcover books. Simply click the link below and do the tasks. This giveaway runs today until Feb. 13, 2016 11:59 pm.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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(Note: This post contains affiliate links. You can read my full disclosure here.)


  1. My youngest is my food allergy kid. He is allergic to 6 of the top 8 but thankfully only gets eczema from it. He is speech delayed and was developmentally delayed. I believe it’s from being so uncomfortable with his skin. Once we found out about his food allergies and his skin started to heal he started to come out of his shell. He has progressed so much in a year. He’s still very speech delayed but every day he learns new words. 🙂

      1. He’s like my Child#3. But Child#1 and #2 are the ones with eczema. Eczema really have a negative impact on self image but I’m glad your son is progressing well. This book will be helpful for him because of the simple words. Good luck!

  2. Where can I purchase this book. I am doing a talk to my daughter’s Girl Scout troop about food allergies snd I think this would be perfect. Didn’t see it at Barnes n noble.

    1. Hi Sharon, I confess I haven’t been in bookstores in years. You can get the book in amazon though. (If you could click the photo on the post, I’d really appreciate it. It’s my affiliate link.) How old is your Girl Scout? Mine is already 10. I’m sure the girls will like the story of Humfree and it will be a great addition to your talk. It explains food allergies in a funny and practical way. You can even ask the girls what they learned about the story for a more interactive activity. If you need tips, just send me an email.

    2. Hi there! You also can purchase HumFree on my website at bit.ly/HumFree and see more illustrations along with more information! There is a helpful Q&A in the back that teachers love!

    1. 2 of my kids are allergic to peanuts and almost all nuts. Child#1 and #4 on the other hand, outgrew theirs. Yup peanuts included. There’s hope. Good luck on the giveaway.

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