5 Reasons I’m Switching to #GrabGreen Laundry Pods and You Should Too

Laundry, though may sound very basic, is taken very seriously in our home. Not only are we an active family of 6 who go through clothes like crazy, we also deal with food, environmental and chemical allergies, asthma and the dreaded eczema. That’s why when I was contacted by MomsMeet to review Grab Green Laundry Pods, I was a bit hesitant.

You see, for almost 5 years now, I’ve only used a certain brand of laundry products. Before I found that said brand, I literally spent thousands of dollars, trying to control Child#1 and Child#2’s eczema outbreak and Child#3 and Child#4’s asthma attacks. If you’ve dealt with eczema and asthma, I’m sure you totally understand why I stick to that brand for years. Basically, that brand was the only one I’ve tried that didn’t cause any bad skin or breathing reactions to my children.

Grab Green product review

When I went through the Grab Green products I received, three things right away caught my attention. First was the packaging. It was nicely designed and seemed well thought of. Since I have no clue about the price yet, I assumed right away that it will be on the higher end. Second, was the smell. There’s a nice clean scent but is not overpowering. Lastly, was the size of the pods. It seemed small (but then, I never used any laundry pods).

Will the small pod actually be enough for a regular load? Will it clean as it promised? Will it be mild enough that my kids will not get any allergic or respiratory reactions? Will be it better than the one I’m using right now? Will it? Will it??? Too many questions waiting to be answered.The Frugalista Mom reviews Grab green

Finally, after a week of balancing the cons and pros. I took the plunge and decided to use Grab Green for a week. That’s about 6 big loads of laundry. At the back of my mind, this amount of clothes will give me an idea of the products’ performance as well as any repercussions such as skin itching, breakouts or sudden asthma attacks that might occur. Also, if I’m not happy with the results, I’ll have enough time to rewash.

It has been 3 three weeks since my first load of laundry using Grab Green laundry pods. Yup, the one week trial continued and I’m down to my last few laundry pods. I confess, I’m officially hooked to Grab Green laundry pods and I am switching brands after being loyal for 5 years!


Am I seriously changing brands? It’s a big YES! After carefully deliberating between the two brands, I’ve come up with these 5 reasons why I’m more than happy to switch to Grab Green laundry pods and I think you should too.

1. Non toxic ingredients.

      With the sensitivities of my children and my family’s history of cancer, I’m very particular on choosing cleaning products that do not contain formaldehyde, chlorine, ammonia, phosphates and phthalates. Grab Green does not use any of those as well as solvents, fillers, optical brighteners, masking agents or dyes.

      Even all their ingredients and packaging are recyclable, sustainably harvested and biodegradable. Not only is it healthier for humans, the products are also friendly to the environment and other living things. Plus Grab Green never tests on animals.

      While Current Brand is also free of toxins such as formaldehyde, chlorine, ammonia, phosphates and phthalates, I’ve realized that it does contains dyes and brightening ingredients which was not readily disclosed. I tried contacting the customer service but it fell on “patented formula” category. Too bad for me.

2. Effective and has a clean fresh scent.

       With 4 active children, I was surprised how well the concentrated pods worked. Not only did it removed stains, it also removed unwanted smells from sweat, food and even cologne or perfume.

       The fragrance free variety, though no scent at all, still gives the clothes a fresh, clean smell. Even my kids would agree that the washed clothes smelled cleaner. It even removed the smell of perfume which tends to stay even after several washes on my Current Brand. As for the lavender vanilla scent, I’m totally in love with it. The scent is really mild yet it lasts for a few days. Take note, I air dry all our clothes and we didn’t use any dryer sheets.

3. Affordable.

       After years of choosing organic or so called natural products, I’m already familiar with the price range of these type of products. Also, with the certifications on the label, it usually comes with a much higher price tag. That’s why I’m surprised how affordable Grab Green pods are compared to other non toxic, eco friendly brands.

       The pre-measured pods also ensure that we just use the right amount every time. Why use more when it already does it’s job well?

4. Transparency.

        As a mom who deals with life threatening allergies, product labeling disclosure and transparency are very important in keeping my children safe. Unlike food, cosmetics, bath & beauty items and even cleaning products are not required by law to reveal all their ingredients. That is why it’s very common to see words like “cleaning agent”, “preservatives”, “grease remover”, “thickener” in the packaging of cleaning items.

       These uncertain ingredients in my experience, most of the time are the cause of allergic reactions and eczema breakouts. All the ingredients of Grab Green laundry pods are written on their packaging and website. It has no surprise ingredients.

       To be really sure, I even contacted them and they confirmed that the pods are free of gluten/wheat, dairy, egg, soy, tree, nuts, peanuts and even sesame. This type of transparency assured me that my children indeed are not exposed to their allergens.

       This transparency scored big to me as my Current Brand kept me in the dark.

5. My kids didn’t have any reactions.

      Last but definitely the most important reason why I’m switching. No matter how effective, affordable, allergy friendly, transparent a brand can be, if it causes my children to get sick, it’s out of my home.

       Since the switch three weeks ago, I’m happy to report that the kids didn’t have any bad reactions from using Grab Green.  Their asthma, allergies and eczema are still well controlled. The only difference is that we have cleaner and fresher smelling clothes. It was definitely worth the risk! Here’s a peek of what three loads of laundry in our house looks like.

Grab Green

Did I get you curious about trying Grab Green laundry pods and their other products? Of course, I wouldn’t let you hanging.

Get an instant 10% OFF Grab Green products when you shop at certain Target stores today 4/11 until 4/23. No coupons required. Click this link to see which Target stores are currently carrying Grab Green products.

Then after your Grab Green product shopping at Target, email a copy of your receipt to support@GrabGreenHome.com. They will then send you a 50% OFF coupon which you can use when you shop on their website. What a great deal right?

Since I really want you to experience what I did with Grab Green, I contacted Moms Meet and they are happy to sponsor a Grab Green Kit ($35 value)  to giveaway to one lucky US based TFMFriend. Just follow the steps below to get entries. Hurry! The giveaway ends on April 21, 2016 11:59pm EST.

Rozelyn signature TFM

(Note: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agree to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group or the manufacturer of this product. Also, this post contains Affiliate links. Thank you for your support.) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


    1. I personally haven’t tried the all purpose cleaner and I’m really curious as well. Good luck

  1. I would like to try their Grab Green laundry pods. My son has sensitive skin so maybe going green would be good.

  2. The laundry pods with vanilla scent sound really fun and interesting–I’ve never tried vanilla scented laundry soap!

  3. I would love them all but the laundry pods would be the most useful since I do a lot of laundry!

  4. The laundry pods because I love Tide Pods, but would love the natural version even more as long as it cleans!

  5. I would like to try the Tangerine with Lemongrass Dishsoap most of all! Thanks for an AWESOME giveaway!!!

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