4 Reasons I’m Loving Live Kombucha Soda + a Giveaway

When I attended the Green Festival last Spring, I was able to try a new product called Kombucha. For those who are not yet familiar with it, Kombucha is basically a fermented black or green tea drink common in many Asian countries as well as Russia. For generations, people in countries such as China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam drink this for its health benefits brought about by the probiotics and antioxidants in contained.

At the event, there were numerous companies that make Kombucha. After sampling a number of them, there was one brand that stood out — Live Kombucha Soda. Since then, my family (that’s all 6 of us!) became loyal consumers.

Live Kombucha Soda

Here are the reasons why our family is loving Live Kombucha this summer:

1. Taste

I confess I’m a soda lover. That is my ultimate indulgence which I limit to one can a week.

After I tried Live Kombucha Soda, I was really surprised that it actually tasted and felt like the real deal. Even my kids and husband agreed. From the fizz, smell, flavor and even after taste, it is what a soda should be.

The best part is that it comes in 8 different flavors:

  • Revive Rootbeer
  • Refreshing Rhuberry
  • Dreamy Orange (If you like Creamsicle, this is it)
  • Pure Doctor   (for the Dr. Pepper fans out there)
  • Living Limon
  • Sparkling Ginger (Ginger ale loyalists)
  • Pomtastic Blueberry
  • Culture Cola (While different from the two leading cola brands, still a good alternative)

It is really hard to pick a favorite as the Rootbeer and Ginger are really close to the “real” soda that I’m used to. The Blueberry however, is something I can’t get enough of.

2. Loaded with Good for you stuff

Each 12 oz. bottle contains 3.5 billion lactobaccilus spp and 3.3 billion saccharomyces bollards. These tiny but powerful good bacteria and yeasts help keep the tummy clean and boost the immune system by cleaning the gut.

As the makers say it on their site, “Kombucha is to tea as yogurt is to milk.”

Aside from the probiotics, it also contains b vitamins, electrolytes and antioxidants.

In the case of Live Kombucha, one can enjoy soda but this time with healthy benefits.

3. Food allergy friendly

Yes, it is free of gluten, dairy, egg, soy, tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish.

4. Better ingredients

Aside from being allergy friendly, Live Kombucha is pure, raw, Certified USDA organic and non GMO verified. It is not diluted by fruit juices (no fruit juice at all).

It only has 40 calories per serving and if you are watching your sugar intake, a serving only has 9 grams.

Oh, it’s also handcrafted here in Austin, Texas.

Live Kombucha Soda giveaway

This summer,  we stocked up on Live Kombucha. It’s not only a great low calorie thirst quencher, it also helps clean up our digestive tracts after all those BBQs and picnics. Less mom guilt for me.

Now, here’s the best part. Our friends from Live Beverages sponsored a giveaway for Fifteen (15) VIP Coupons of Live Kumbocha soda.  One lucky US based TFM reader will get all those coupons and enjoy their choice of flavor/s.

Hurry, the giveaway starts today and ends on August 19, 2016 11:59 EST.

Rozelyn signature TFM

(Note: I received free products for this review. My opinions written were solely based on my and my family’s experience using the mentioned products. Please see my full disclosure.)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am torn between the Revive Rootbeer and the Dreamy orange. They both sound amazing. For some reason my family has been on a creamsicle kick lately so I think this would get tried very quick.

  2. It’s so weird because I was just thinking last night how much I’d like to try these!! I’d love to try the Living Limon flavor 🙂

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