Series: I’m Thankful For… My Instagram Friends + MySuperFoods Giveaway

Four years ago, I opened an Instagram account – TheFrugalistaMOM with a simple intention of having a personal compilation of food allergy friendly recipes I made and a convenient list of gluten, allergen free products I’ve seen, tried or wanted to buy.

At that time, I chose not to invite my friends who were on Facebook because I know I have already clouded their timelines with my food and allergy free product pictures. Yes, they were super supportive when I had my rants and happy dances. However, majority of them aren’t into food allergies and I was pretty sure they can’t relate on my sudden obsession.


There in Instagram, I followed complete strangers who have the same interests as mine – food allergies, gluten free, healthy living and organic products. I liked some posts I found interesting and used the comment section to ask about the ingredients or where they found a certain allergy friendly product.

Never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that aside from products and recipes, I’ll be able find some amazing “online” friends in Instagram. Yes, I said friends, not just followers.

More than just stats, I’m so happy and honored to call my followers friends because over the years, we’ve liked, laughed, prayed, and even cried together both through public comment or direct messages. I was even blessed to have personally met some and we instantly connected like long time buddies.


I confess my day isn’t complete if I didn’t post something, liked or commented on Instagram. It became a part of me and I felt that it made the world a whole lot smaller.

To show my appreciation to all my Instagram friends and soon to be friends. I’m running an exclusive giveaway there. Our wonderful friends from MySuperFoods (whom I also met at Instagram) were very happy to sponsor the prize — which is a gift pack filled with delicious MySuperSnacks that are also gluten free and organic MySuperCookies.

To join the giveaway, go to this post on Instagram and follow the instructions. Don’t worry it’s not complicated – a like, comment or tag is all it takes to get entries. You can also click the photo below and it bring you directly to it.

My Super Foods

Hurry, this is a flash giveaway and ends tomorrow Nov. 18, 2016 at 9 pm EST.

Will you be my Instagram friend too?


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