Send Me Gluten Free Box Review & Giveaway

      One of the toughest part of dealing with food allergies is finding products that are safe to eat. During my earlier days of FA living, I would spent hours at the grocery store, reading labels and even surfing the internet while shopping (thru my phone) just to make sure that whatever I’m buying is good for my children.  Gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt) in particular is quite challenging because it is present in almost everything packaged – food, cosmetics, medicine, bath and cleaning products and more.
         If you think you’re the only one who can’t put anything in your shopping cart, well news flash, you are not alone.  I remembered feeling tired and frustrated from hanging out in the store too much. To add more insult to the injury, many times, the kids would not eat the prime commodity that I just spent hours finding.  Why? “It simply doesn’t taste good.” they insist.
       A lot has changed since my children’s diagnosis almost 5 years ago.  Now, there are more options available.  However, a familiar anxiety still lingers and that is if the kids will actually eat it.  Then I was introduced to Send Me Gluten Free Box.
      Send Me Gluten Free is a monthly subscription box that is filled with 8-12 gluten free products conveniently delivered to your home.  Though is it quite new in the market, the company behind Send Me Gluten Free has been actively helping the community for years.  In fact, they are the same people behind the largest and fastest growing specialty diet consumer events in the US, the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo (GFAF Expo). According to them, Send Me Gluten Free is an “expo in a box.”


       Above are the contents of my complimentary Send Me Gluten Free August box.  As you can see, there’s not just one but two full sized products in the box. I have seen the Explore Asian Black Bean spaghetti at Costco for months now.  Though I was really curious, I didn’t have the courage to buy it because it was in bulk. Same thing with Sevierly Good Gluten Free.  Did you know that the exact Brownie mix retails for $9.99 alone?
        Here’s my September Send Me Gluten Free box (also complimentary).  This generous box contains 11 products. Aside from the body wash from SoapBox soap company (I reviewed their products before.) and the Schar brand, I have to admit, I was not familiar with these items.
Oh before I forget, each box also includes coupons and coupon codes from various companies.  I find this really helpful because as we all know, it is not easy to find these specialty coupons.

       Another thing that I think is unique and like about the SMGF is the fact that they offer subscription plans. Depending on your currently budget, they have a Month by Month, 3 Months, 6 Months & 12 Month options.  Of course, there are discounts available for each option.  Plus, shipping is always free. Sounds interesting?
      Now for the good part.  I have asked the wonderful people of Send Me Gluten Free to give you, my beloved readers some treats.  First, you all can get a 20% discount on any subscription plan you choose.  Simply us the coupon code BLOG20 during checkout.
       Next, they are sponsoring a giveaway! Yes, I am giving away a FREE Send Me Gluten Free box to one lucky reader.  That’s a $30 prize filled with gluten free goodies and coupons.


        This contest is open to all US residents 18 years and older.  It will end on Sept. 24, 2014 at 11:59 EST.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get your entries now and don’t forget to share the love.
        Good luck!
– Roz
(Note:  I received free products for this review. This however, has no affect on the opinions I have written here.  Please see my full disclosure. )


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