My Top 10 Food Allergy Friendly Product Finds at Expo East 2016

Last weekend, I was very blessed to be part of the official blogger team of the Natural Foods Expo East.  This elite group of 20 bloggers from the health, wellness and natural/organic living niche strolled around the the biggest private trade show here in the East Coast to search the latest, coming and best of the best products in the market.


This year was my first time to attend the event and I have to say I’m in allergy friendly products heaven! Huge is definitely an understatement. To better give you a better idea about this trade show, I’m borrowing a word from the kids’ vocabulary. “The Expo East is ginormous!”


Since there are over 1,400 exhibitors and my “mom powers” are a bit limited, I focused on brands that are Top 8 allergen free or at least is free of 6 common allergens.

As I’m typing this post, I realized that picking the Top 10 Food Allergy friendly products were much more difficult. So, without further more introductions, here’s my list and then some.


Tolerant Foods Pasta 

          Protein filled pasta that’s available in a variety of shapes we used to love before going gluten free. Their “not so” secret ingredients – black beans, red and green lentils.

4noguilt Healthy Chocolate Chocobiotics

          After searching for a long time, I finally found a probiotic in a chocolate form that is free of the Top 8 allergens.  Plus it actually tastes great. The kiddos gave it a 4 thumbs up.


Vana Life Foods Legume Bowls

         They just brought gluten free and vegan green chickpea stews to the next level. Not only are the flavors amazing, it is also healthy and very convenient. A nice addition to the panty especially when you don’t have time or the means to cook.


GoAvo Avocado Spread Chipotle Flavor

       Yes, this is avocado “mayonnaise”. It comes in three delicious varieties but the Chipotle flavor is unforgettable. It has that nice kick that gives an added “yum” factor.

Jica Chips Smoked BBQ

       This brand really deserved its Nexty Award! Who knew jicama can give potato chips a run for their money?  Flavorful, crunchy, healthy and yummy.


Boxed Water

         Here’s a very innovative product. Who knew water can be reinvented?  The box container not only takes care of the BPA issues that I’m very concerned about, it also got the kids’ “cool” product approval.

Sun Tropics Frozen Fruit Bars

      These frozen fruit bars will bring you to Tropical paradise.  Not only does it have unique flavors like calamansi (Philippine Lemon), Soursop (Guyabano), Passion fruit, Sweet Mango and Pineapple, they didn’t skimp on it too. I can’t wait for it to be available here in the East Coast especially New Jersey.

Chosen Foods Avocado Spray

         This just made greasing baking pans a whole lot easier.  Take note, this oil spray doesn’t contain any soy lecithin. For us who manages soy allergies, this is truly a great product to have again.

The Good Bean Hummus Flavor

       This company takes food allergies seriously. That’s why all their products are free of the top and more. The Hummus variety for instance, has the taste of hummus without any tahini (sesame product).  I can’t wait for it to come in stores.


Simply Beyond Spray-on Herbs

      Another great innovative brand I’m so excited to share.  If you like the flavor of fresh herbs but can’t have it all year round, this product is something to check out.

While I came up with my Top 10 list, I can’t help but give special mention to these ever reliable and amazing brands we love.



        While this brand is not exactly in the food category (Food containers count right?)  I can’t help but give it a special mention. Not only did I love their booth, their products are very interesting, practical and yes eco friendly.


Enjoy Life Foods

         I can’t wait for you to see their new products – snack size chocolate morsels and Proburst Bites.


The Greater Knead

       These are the girls behind our favorite allergen free bagel, Sweet Note Bakery Bagels. Different packaging but the same bagel goodness.


Freedom Foods Snackers

         Their allergy friendly cereals are now in snack size packages. It was a big hit with the kids right away.


Arctic Zero Frozen Desserts

        This is a real “ice cream” treat. The only thing that prevented it from being in my Top 10 List is that it’s only Lactose free and not completely dairy free.

Veggie Fries Tots

          Our family is a fan of this brand already. That’s why I’m so thrilled when they showed their new product – the Veggie Tots (Tater tots but way healthier.)

Whew! That was quite really challenging list. But you know what? I really had a great time in Baltimore and I can’t wait to be there again next year (fingers crossed).

Since you all know that I love to share my finds, be sure to subscribe to the TFMFriends Newsletter. There will be some amazing giveaways coming soon and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to miss it.

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