Going Dairy Free? TFM Tried New Barn Unsweetened Almond Milk

(Note: I received this product for free from MomsMeet.com to use and post my honest opinion. As with any product review, I call it as it is.)

When our family had to go dairy free over five years ago, one of the biggest challenges we faced was finding a good milk alternative. Not only were the options very limited back then, most of the ones available were either too watery or had a really strong flavor that is not found in “regular” cow’s milk.

Over the years, I’m happy to say that several brands actually tried and continue to make better dairy free products. To be really honest, I haven’t found a perfect substitute to the “real deal”. However, there are some that stands out and are actually delicious.

One of the brands I’m so excited to share with you is New Barn Unsweetened Almond Milk.

Before I go on, I would like to make it clear that I rarely have nut based products at home because Child#2, 3 and 4 still have tree nut allergies. After the testings last summer, I am (only me) able to occasionally use almond milk for my own coffee and cereal.  Their numbers for Almond had went down tremendously and they are actually due for a food challenge.

Going back to the topic, I was thrilled when Moms Meet contacted me to try two products from New Barn – the Unsweetened Almond Milk and Barista Almond Milk.  It actually gave me the excuse to not buy my regular sugar loaded coffee creamer.


The Good

New Barn’s products caught my attention right away because of the company’s transparency. The ingredients were readily listed on the label and even at their website. Since they only use simply and minimal ingredients such as almonds, water, sea salt, there was no room for confusion or extra research.

Aside from the ingredients, the label clearly shows that the almond milk is certified organic, NonGMO verified, vegan, dairy free, soy free, gluten free (not certified though). On their website, they already included the disclosure that it is produced in a peanut free facility.

Health wise, New Barn Almond Milk stood out because according to their company, their products contain 3 times more almonds than leading brands. Thus, it has more protein per serving.

Another big plus for me too is the fact that this almond milk does not contain the controversial carrageenan (a thickener often found in non dairy products). If you are into Whole30, it is approved too.

The company is also trying to be environment friendly. The plastic bottles are BPA free and recyclable.

Taste wise, I can say, this is definitely one of the better brands. It’s creamy and has a mild nutty flavor. No strong after taste at all. If you are new to being dairy free, the texture is very similar to 2% milk.


The Not So Good

Clearly, New Barn Almond milk is on the higher end.  A 28 oz bottle retails between $4.99 and $5.99. Yes, that is for a bottle that is less than a quart.  That’s why I’m reserving this as an outright drink or for smoothies or as a creamer in drinks.  I’d prefer something more affordable for my cooking or baking needs.

As the saying goes, we get what we pay for. In the case of New Barn, the quality is worth every penny.



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