Book Review: The Checklist Book

It’s the first day of June. Can you believe that we are almost half way of 2020?

The past few months have been quite challenging for a planner like me. With just one announcement, my color coded packed calendar was suddenly erased. I admit, for weeks, I felt totally lost because I have nothing to do. Can you relate?

Ironically, before this lock down happened, I was scheduled to review a book called The Checklist Book. So, when I received my copy (around the second week of the stay at home order), I was quite hesitant to read the book. How can I work through the book when every thing on our list was cancelled?

Since I have no excuse not to do the review (and I have more than enough time to read), I picked up the book and actively went through the steps, one chapter a day. Take note, this book is not a novel. It is more of a self help book with worksheets that requires the reader to be fully engaged.

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Direct to the point and easy to understand, Alexandra Franzen makes the readers realize what things matter most to them as an individual. She then brings out one’s inner desires and helps him or her prioritize it without neglecting the daily demands of life.

Going through her book during this time of uncertainty was life changing. Not only did it help me to become more positive in my outlook, it also made me feel more confident in pursuing the goals and dreams that I pushed aside all these years. I love how this pushed me to write every thing I plan to do each day, no matter how small or insignificant I think it is. By knowing exactly what I do with my time really made a difference. It is a habit, I’m so glad to have acquired over the past weeks.

Whatever you are going through right now, I think this book will help you feel calm, empowered and inspired to be the best that you can be. While The Checklist Book is not a book of spells, finding time to learn from it will open our minds and something magical from within will happen. It is definitely a manual worth having around.

Now, for something really exciting. I’m giving away a FREE copy of The Checklist Book to one lucky US based reader. Just do the steps listed below to get entries. Hurry, this giveaway will end on June 12, 2020 at 11:59 pm EST. Congratulations Stephanie B.!



    1. Oh, this is it! It helped me organize my day according to what is important to me and stick to it.

    1. This book will definitely help. It encourages one to look deeper on what is important to you.

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