Product Review: Quinoa Puffs – A Tasty Snack made Healthier

One of my guilty pleasures is snacking on those round cheesy puff treats that come in that gigantic plastic tubs. You know what I’m talking about right?

    Before we found out that the kids have food allergies, I confess I used to buy a container every two months. Though generally, we were healthy eaters, back then, that treat was something our whole family looks forward to whenever we have our weekly movie night. Those airy, crunchy and salty snack is so comforting and yes, highly addicting too. Personally, a bowl isn’t enough for me.
    Anyway, those bright orange balls which happens to be a regular on summer gatherings, have always been included in Child #2 and Child #3’s wish list. In fact, they often say that it is the first food they will eat once they outgrew their allergies. Really?
    For years now, I have been looking for a product that will satisfy our family’s craving for this childhood comfort snack. Then, with a stroke of luck, I was approached to try a new product called Quinoa Puffs by I Heart Keenwah.
      What are Quinoa Puffs? Well, basically they are light, airy and crunchy balls (just like the cheese puffs we’ve used to have as a child). The major difference is that these Quinoa puffs do not contain any artificial colors or flavors and are even loaded with 5 grams of protein. It’s basic ingredients are:
  • quinoa flour
  • brown rice flour
  • white rice flour
  • pea protein concentrate
  • baking powder
  • sunflower oil
  • all natural seasonings
(TFM Allergy Alert! The Aged Cheddar flavor contains dairy. There’s a notice in the package that indicates that the products were manufactured in a facility that also processes soy, dairy and tree nuts.) 
  It comes in 4 savory flavors such as Sea Salt Truffle, Herbs de Provence (Child #2 and #3’s favorite), Sweet Chili (husband’s fave) and Aged Cheddar (Child #1 and #4’s favorite). All varieties are Gluten Free, Kosher and Soy Free. Except for the Aged Cheddar flavor, the rest are also Vegan, Dairy Free and NON Gmo Verified. Does that sound great?
     As for the taste, each variety is packed with distinct and yummy flavors. All the kids enjoyed the Sea Salt Truffle and Herbs de Provence. They like the Sweet Chili as well but the punch from the jalapeno and habanero peppers was a bit too much for their taste buds. My husband and I loved it though. As for the Aged Cheddar (tried by the two non food allergy kids), they both agreed it’s like the regular cheese puffs but is less salty. Yes, this cheese puff loving mom agrees as well.
(Note: I received free products for this review. This however, doesn’t have any effect on the opinions I had posted. Everything I’ve written were my honest opinions so that you, my readers will get a better idea on the products and you can check it if will be a good fit for your needs. Please see my full disclosure here.)


  1. I want to try the sweet chili. They all look delicious though! My hubby would enjoy eating the aged cheddar since I can't have dairy. I'll live vicariously through him on that one! Lol.

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