Gluten Free & Vegan Protein Bars Made for Digestive Health + Giveaway

The months of May and June went by so fast. In between the usual daily activities, special events such as First Communion, Confirmation, 8th Grade Formal, Recognition Night, Middle School Graduation, Field Days and Class Parties filled up our calendar. Ah! The joys of having 4 children!

Now that the kids are on summer break, our new routine has enabled me to spend some quality “me time” and workout.  My choice of exercise (if you haven’t seen it on Facebook and Instagram) is badminton. Yes, I play three nights a week.

Since my workout time starts at 8:30 pm and ends at around 11:30pm, I have to be extra careful with my recovery snack. Otherwise, I’ll be packing on more weight instead of losing.

By stroke of luck, I came across the brand called Genuine Health and was able to try their line of protein powders and bars.

To all my readers with food allergies, please take note. The Fermented Protein Powders are gluten free, vegan, nonGMO and soy free. While there are no peanut or nut ingredients (except pea protein and coconut), it is manufacture in a facility that processes them. The bars contain peanuts and almonds too.


What makes these protein bars and powders stand out?

While there are countless protein products available in the market, Genuine Health caught my attention because of their use of fermented protein in their line. According to their website, this fermented protein unlocks the critical amino acids for optimal absorption by the body.  It removes the anti-nutirients from protein sources that cause digestive discomfort.

If you use probiotics like me, I’m sure you know that fermented food is one of the best sources of probiotics. That being said these protein bars and powders help support the immune system through overall digestive health.

Not only does the products provide energy and help in weight maintenance, they also provide healthy gut bacteria.

The Taste Test and more

I was able to try the Fermented Protein Powders in vanilla and chocolate flavors. There’s a hint of sweetness from stevia which is very mild. Because I have a sweet tooth, I used it with sweetened vanilla flax milk. I like that it does not have a chemical or medicinal after taste. Also, the powder is really fine and dissolves quickly. No need for blenders.

As for the Fermented Protein Bars, it is one of the better ones in the market. The flavors are spot on and is not too sweet or candy like. It is chewy with a nice crunch for the peanuts and almonds. The bar is a little less than 2 ounces but it contains 210-220 calories.

If you are watching your sodium, the Dark Chocolate Almond contains 130 mg per bar, the Lemon Coconut 135 mg and the Peanut Butter Chocolate 240 mg.


Are you curious about Genuine Health? Well, here’s a nice giveaway. One lucky US based reader who’s at least 18 years old will win a Health Pack filled with Fermented Proteins products. Just do the steps below to get entries.

Hurry, the giveaway ends on July 23, 2017 11:59 EST.

Good luck!


(I received free products to review for this post. Please see my full disclosure here.)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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