Moms, Wow Summit 2015 was Totally Worth It

A few weeks ago, I was able to attend this year’s Wow Summit in San Diego, California. That’s 3,000 miles away from New Jersey and yes, I did pulled some (tons) of strings to make the trip possible. Why did I exerted that much effort? Well, it’s one of those rare occasions wherein my gut says “It will be worth it.”

wowsummitIt has been over two weeks since the trip. I still can’t help but smile and enjoy the amazing feelings and lessons Wow Summit had given me.

1. Moms Need to Stick Together.

    One of the best lessons I learned at the Wow Summit is the need for moms to support each other. No matter what our backgrounds are, at the end of the day,  we all experience uncertainty when raising our kids, we are overworked, pressured to be on top of everything and we often put ourselves last.

    Who else can understand a mom but another fellow mom right?

   Though it’s always easy to see our differences, if we look deeper, we do have more things in common. Even if we don’t want to admit it. That sense of “sisterhood” at the summit was very refreshing and empowering.


2. It’s not too late to have new friends.

     With the help of social media, the world has become smaller. The Wow Summit only provided the venue for me to meet my Twitter or Instagram “friends”, I actually added more.

With Jillian of Mom Co App

3. Help is always available.

    Just because we’re moms doesn’t mean we have do everything. Whatever we need – companion, support, business advice, better products, options, we can have them. All we have to do is ask.

     At the Wow Summit, we had experienced moms, entrepreneurs, industry experts and even companies who are willing to teach or work with us.  There’s an endless supply of opportunities we can receive.

The 2 day event was really an eye opener for me. As a mom, I always wanted to do everything perfectly. In the process, I isolate myself, I feel tired, frustrated, inadequate. Though I wanted to take a break, there’s that big guilt feeling of putting myself first.

Well, guess what? I realized that I can’t do my job well, if I’m not in top condition. To be able to perform well, we have to once in a while reflect and recharge.

IMG_7195[1]Thank your for the organizers of Wow Summit, Kiwi Magazine and Moms Meet for making the “recharge”  possible. To all the wonderful sponsors such as Solgar, Smart Flour, In the Raw, Enjoy Life, Dr. Bronners, thank you for allowing the event to happen. For my travel sponsor FreshKids, I’m forever grateful. I’m so honored to be your Fresh Kids Mom Ambassador.

Lastly, to all the amazing moms all over the country who attended the 2015 Wow Summit, thankful for the wonderful experience.  I can’t wait to see you in person again next year. The trip was definitely worth it.

Rozelyn signature TFM


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