52 Weeks of Simple Changes for a Healthier You Series

    I can’t believe it’s July already!  The first half of 2014 went really fast for me.  How about yours?  Were you able to keep your New Year resolutions?  I confess I wasn’t.  But hey, we could always start again.    

    Since we’re on the topic of starting. Last month,  I received the results of my annual physical exam.  I confess it has been two years since I had one. To my delight, all my numbers including cholesterol, glucose, sodium and iron came out normal. For someone who has thalassemia since birth, the later was one exciting news.  I can’t help but smile when my doctor said “I don’t know what you are doing how you got this results.  All I can say is Keep it up.” 
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    A few days later, my husband’s results came out.  To our surprise, his results were a total disappointment!  Aside from his shell fish allergy which we’ve known for ages, it turned out that he is also allergic to egg, dairy, rice, oats, wheat, barley, rice, corn, soybean and several types of fish including tuna and salmon.  On top of the new allergens we have to deal with, his cholesterol level is through the roof.

    Our friends who are in the medical field were boggled why his doctor haven’t prescribed him some medications yet.  According to our primary care doctor, he’s giving my husband 3 months to lower his cholesterol the natural way.  This meant being active, exercising more often and most of all diet change.  If my husband’s numbers haven’t changed or God forbid increased, the doctor will have no choice but to put him on maintenance medication which has adverse side effects on other organs.

     When I first learned about my husband’s results, I can’t help but ask “How can it be?”.  For more than 3 years now,  I’ve been on top of our family’s food and nutrition.  Since the kids were on a limited diet, I’ve been extra keen to make sure that the food I prepare is not only tasty but most of all nutritious.  So far, all the children and I don’t have any issues with our current medical tests.
     What’s the difference then?  We all eat almost the same meals everyday.  As I look back and reflect on what other things I could do to help his health, it hit me.  My kids and I have habits which my husband doesn’t have.  It may seem too simple or insignificant at first but I believe it is the small things that made the huge difference.

      As I help my husband acquire these new habits, I decided that it is also the best time to answer most of the questions I receive from readers and friends about healthy living.  For the next 52 weeks, I’ll be sharing the small changes the kids and I made for the past 3 years which resulted to:
        * less nutrient deficiencies (even on a limited diet)
        * good numbers on cholesterol, sodium, blood pressure, iron
        * steady weight loss of me and weight gain for Child #3
        * lesser asthma attacks and medications
        * clearer skin and lesser eczema outbreaks
        * fewer sick days
         and more.

      Because a journey is always better and more fun with friends, I would like to invite you to join us in this 52 week (Yes, it’s a full year) Challenge.  Every Saturday, you will receive a newsletter from me that’s filled with budget friendly tips and a recipe or two that will help you and your home become healthier each week.   I promise, each step will be simple and yes, I will never fill your mailbox.
       So what are you waiting for? Are you in for the Challenge? Subscribe below and let’s all start getting healthier.


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      I am not a medical professional.  All the tips that I will write in this series are based on our family’s experiences and with the full consent of our doctors.  My intention is to give ideas and not to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.  Always consult with your doctor.

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