7 Days No Sugar Challenge – Day 5

     Sugar Craving!  
     Do you believe in the saying that the body knows what it needs?  If that it true, then I can justify why my body seemed to be asking for sugar the whole day.  Even after finishing a big cup of Mango Black tea, I wasn’t satisfied.  
      To answer my dessert craving, I made a Chia porridge with unsweetened applesauce, flax milk, chopped dates and lots of cinnamon.  My goal is to create something creamy, hearty, sweet and comforting.  To my delight, the end product came out good.  Okay, I confess, a hint of brown sugar could have made perfect.  But you know what?  I’m on Day 5 already so it’s worth the sacrifice.  
       Lunch time, I had a nice bowl of Green Mung Bean Stew.  Lately, I have been making this recipe vegan/vegetarian by eliminating the meat and changing the chicken broth to either vegetable broth or plain water.  Even though the family is a big meat fan, we all love the new vegan version.

      At around 2 pm, my body seems to be asking for more sugar.  Since I decided earlier that I will go all out with this challenge, I forced myself not to touch any smoothie mix or protein bar I have on hand that I know has added sugar on it.  The only natural sweet thing I found in my pantry is the opened package of dried dates.  There’s about 5 pieces left and I didn’t hesitate to finish everything.  It was a big indulgence but it made me really happy.  We only live once right?

    Dinner time, I was not in the mood for a regular meal again.  My body was asking for something sweet again.   Guess what I found in the fridge?

      I had about 4 cups of ice cold watermelon for supper.  Even discovered how refreshing and addictive watermelon juice (yup that’s the juice at the bottom of the container) can be.

       Who knew life without sugar can be sweet too?


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